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GoTalk Now App :: MT Tech Toolkit

Patina Jackson, MT-BC

So the ladies I have a privilege of working with in my school district found this awesome app I wanted to share with you: GoTalk Now. It was created as an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device - and that is a great way to use it! Combine images, text and audio to create boards of words, phrases, etc.! My favorite feature of this app is the ability to record your own audio for each button. Sing, play, or use pre-recorded music, and your students will get the playback of that music as an automatic response to selecting a button - perfect for music therapy!

Check out my video demo below that demonstrates one way I use the app: as a picture schedule for my secondary students!

Other ways to use that app during sessions are:

- to create a button for each word of a song to improve language (with your pre-recorded voice singing each word as they select it)

-to create a page of buttons for a variety of instruments to address preference/making a choice (you can record the sounds of the instruments too!)

-to create buttons for answer choices to academic goals you are addressing (letters, numbers, types of transportation, etc.!)

Get creative with other ways YOU can use the app! The version I'm using is GoTalk NOW. For the free version, download: GoTalk NOW LITE! P.S. No one paid me to write this, lol. I just love the app!


<3 Patina Joy

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