Welcome to our fourth segment from the Music Therapy Joy series: Collaboration in Education! In this series we are educating music therapists on the role and scope of other special education professionals as well as providing possibilities for collaboration and co-treatment to mutually improve our services! These video interviews provide professional information in a casual environment!
Our latest segment is an interview from Hayley Palmgren, a Speech Language Pathologist in public special education, who works primarily in her district's early childhood facility. She shares about her day-to-day responsibilities, strategies and what she's learned from her district's music therapist, Mimi Hoang, MT-BC. Check out what she has to share with us!
Take what Hayley shared as a challenge to meet an SLP (or two!) in your schools, invite them to a music therapy session, and start the conversation about collaboration! We're better together!
<3 EnJOY!
Patina Joy