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Holiday Refresh

Patina Jackson, MT-BC

Are your holiday strategies are like a CD on repeat? Change it up this year with some fresh ideas from my Holiday Pack digital download!

In it you'll find suggestions on using a beautifully illustrated version of "Good King Wenceslas" to spread the message of kindness, self-sacrifice, and the joy of giving (while addressing academic goals)! Or some movement ideas to get the holiday hips moving after they've been stuffed with too much turkey and pumpkin pie!

You'll also find ways to address articulation, following directions, social interaction, impulse control, and taking turns with 5 favorite holiday tunes + full-color choice cards + instrument suggestions such as drums, maracas, jingle bells, tone bells or boom whackers!

My personal favorite, though, is the visual aid for "Oh Christmas Tree" that includes ideas for creating a multi-sensory experience by incorporating other textures and objects!

These strategies from my Holiday Pack are sure to bring a breath of fresh air as you approach the holiday season! ...But most of all, I hope your holidays are filled with JOY in the midst of the busyness that the season brings. I hope you LAUGH as you struggle through crazy family photos, to get just the right one for the annual Christmas cards; that you SMILE at the mess of ribbon and wrapping paper, knowing it will all be worth it to communicate the love that went into finding and wrapping the perfect gift; and that you EMBRACE every minute on that plane or in the minivan, because you know hugs and laughter will be waiting when you arrive. Take a deep breath, and EnJOY!

<3 Patina Joy

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