It's May!!! Can you believe it?? For most of us, the end-of-the-year train that has been chugging uphill for the last few months has almost arrived Down By The Station (forgive the unavoidable pun)! Something we seldom do, but often should, is take the time to reflect and evaluate!

A school year is FULL of ups and downs, victories and frustrations, and, most importantly, learning experiences! Those valuable experiences may be lost to the dark caves of forgotten memories if we don't take the time to analyze and dictate them! This year, commit to do something good for yourself! Take the time to self-assess.
Ask yourself questions, like - what were my greatest challenges? or, how have I grown as a therapist? Enjoy a belly laugh remembering the most comical moment (or moments) of the year! Set goals for both your personal and professional life. Make those goals realities, by creating an action plan for next school year!
I've made it easy for you to stop and reflect by creating the End-of-the-Year Self-Assessment. Download and print this form and fill it in with valuable reflections and hopes for the future. Have a music therapy team in your district? Make it a group assignment! Feeling isolated? Find a nearby music therapist (or one who is a phone call away)! Fill out the form individually and then come together for a cup (or two) of coffee, lots of laughs, maybe tears, and leave refreshed. Free to enjoy the summer, and with a plan to begin the next school year right.

Don't give yourself time to think twice! Download the End-of-the-Year Self-Assessment, for less than the cost of a latte, and invest in yourself today!
<3, Patina Joy